I have heard about, and read a few blogs. I can do this.. The blogs that I have read makes everone elses lives seem so interesting and more exciting than mine. But are they really? You get out of something what you put into it. My life is is interesting and exciting on most days. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids that I adore. However, I know that there are days that I feel that I go through the motions and forget to take a look around. I know it's time to make some changes and slow down and appreciate things for what they are. Life at times are passing by so quickly. I am hoping that if I begin to blog, or journal, I may reflect and learn more about myself and those around me.
I am very good at mumbling and going off on tangents. I really think that I may be ADD so this may actually be some good therapy as well. My biggest life flaw as I see it, is that I struggle at finishing what I start.