Friday, August 15, 2008

Time for just over the horizon

This time of the year brings about change, more so than the "New Year." Kids getting ready to head back to school means so much in their social lives. New classes, new teachers, new friends and obstacles. It also is the same for us adults. I see it as... new schedules, new priorities and the dreaded thought of "what about me?" I saw this on Jen's site She always is a fun read. I have to admit I couldn't change a few of her responses.

I am...
struggling with turning 40 next year.
I think... that sometimes we go through the motions of life and really dont enjoy the little things.
I know...
I love my family.
I want... something deeper.
I have... a great huband.
I wish... for my children to have a long, healthy and happy life.
I hate...
inconsiderate and rude people.
I miss... dates with my husband.
I fear...
something happening to my husband or children.
I feel... happy, right now...I have an hour to just sit by myself.
I hear... CNN news on the TV in the other room.
I smell... Coffee with vanilla/caramel cream.
I search...who I am within the world around me.
I wonder... what I should do with my life.
I regret...losing contact with a few people that came in and out of my life.
I love... too much to list here.
I care...
about many things.
I never able to say no.
I am not...
a girly girl.
I believe... in religion, but not organized religion.
I dance... not enough,as I would embarrass my kids. I admit I live vicarously throught them.
I sing...
all the time in the car.
I don't always...
say "I love you" as much as I should.
I write...sporadically.
I win... when I hear a nice comment regarding my children.
I lose... every time I play the Lotto.
I never... seem to finish the crafts that I start.
I listen... to music when ever I am in the car.
I can usually be found... at work or at my childs dance rehearsal.
I'm scared of... losing someone close.
I read...
a paragraph of two before I fall asleep.
I am happy about... the prospect of this new time of year to set some goals for myself to improve who I am as a wife, mother and friend.

1 comment:

The Mom Jen said...

I can also be found at my daughter's dance studio each day of the week!!