Tuesday, October 7, 2008

North Carolina Dance Alliance - "Memories of a Hometown"

We are so proud of Jillian!! She found out last week that a piece that she choreographed was selected to be performed in the Student Choreography Showcase at the annual North Carolina Dance Alliance Annual Event to be held in 2 weeks. She was asked by her director to consider submitting a piece of work back in August so she decided to take on the task. She created a modern piece to the song "Hometown Glory" by Adele, of which she actuall titled it "Memories of a Hometown". I have to share a part of her application description.

"In my student-choreographed piece “Memories of a Hometown” it is based on everything you build in your hometown. You meet new people, make friendships, and make memories in your hometown. In the dance at different times people unite and stand together as a group. My dance consists of 12 dancers that range from 10-16 years of age to give the idea of different ages coming together. We begin by walking through the town and weaving through obstacles of life. Then we stop to embrace what is going on around us. We begin to appreciate where we come from and who has come into our lives. We realize that the community that we grow up in shapes us into who we are today."

I am very proud of the young lady that she is developing into.


The Mom Jen said...

That is so awesome, congrats!!

hippo chick said...

Proud!!! You should be! Congrats, Jillian.

~hippo hugs~

Tracy said...

a wonderful accomplishment! cograts!