Friday, November 28, 2008

How time flies!!!

Well it has been ages since I have posted anything. Sorry about that. We have been pretty busy lately. I guess I will start backwards.

We had a very relaxful Thanksgiving here in sunny, NC. We had our neighbors, Dan, Sue and Ashley join us for dinner. We spent the morning cooking and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, getting pumped for next Thanksgiving as Jillian is supposed to be dancing in it again.

Last weekend Tom's parents flew in to attend JT's perfomance of the King & I. He did outstanding as the King. We were so proud of him. The compliments are still coming. He says he will major in musical theater when he is ready for college. (He is only in the 8th grade... alot can change in the next few years.) While Tom's parents were here they were also able to take in a few dance performances of Jillian. She performed at the High School day of dance at Meredith College here in Raleigh, as well as she danced with the Railhawks dance team in the Raleigh's Christmas parade. (I know, these southerners do things a little backwards here.) Any way you can check out the parade at .

Let's see, a couple of weekends prior to that we spend the weekend in Greenville, NC at East Carolina University. GO PIRATES!! We traveled with her dance teacher and some friends were they took a couple of classes, took a tour and took in the football game for their Homecoming weekend. It looks as if ECU is at the top of her list so far. (We need to make sure she survives the SAT's next weekend.)

What else is going on.. Oh, how can I forget the other major thing... Jillian got her drivers license. Ugh.. Actually it is a bittersweet thing. It is nice not having to drive everyday to the dance studio, as well as, it was convenient to send her to the grocery store for last minute items on Thanksgiving morning, but...... it is completely nerve wracking waiting to get her phone call when she arrives at her destination... They tell me it will get easier, but will it really???

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mom Vs. Teenage Son

So he has only been a teenager for a total of 3 months and already I have had enough. Where is the fast forward button? Someone please tell me.... To say the least, over the past few days you can honestly say my son and I have not seen eye to eye. (I guess it is a good thing he still is on the small size.)

Where to begin...lost cellphone (2nd one for the record)..., broken glasses..(2 more weeks before insurance will pay for another pair), talking back or should I say a comment for everything...example "JT, please finish cleaning your room" and JT responds, "why don't you do something", mother then is sent over the edge...

I asked him to give me a list of his grievences. Here they are...
1. No respect
2. Mom taking things too seriously
3. Mom not getting her way so she yells.
4. Not allowing him to do things he likes.
5. Mom finds stupid things to whine about.
6. Being punished or grounded for making mistakes.

I am hoping that this book that I purchased for him will give him some guidance on how to survive the next few years under mom's roof. If anyone has any additional suggestions on raising a teenage son, please pass them on.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Holly Springs High School Spirit Week

At HSHS they are trying to build traditions. This year is the first year of having all 4 grade levels. It opened 3 years ago with only freshman and sophomores. I have to admit it is kinda cool seeing the kids start the ball rolling. This past week was spirit week which finished with a homecoming game against Knightdale. After a disappointing first quarter the Hawks pulled it out and conquered.

The week began with the first annual powderpuff game. Unfortunately the juniors lost but I admit it was nice for the Seniors that came out ahead for the inaugural year. Watch out next year for the girls of 2010.

Tuesday was hippie day.

Wednesday was the controversial Stop Light day. I can't say I really approved of this one.

The color of your t-shirt was to depict what your relationship status currently is.

Red - Your taken (in a relationship)

Yellow - you are talking to someone, or it's complicated

Green - your single

(just for the record, Jillian wore green)
Thursday was class color day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

North Carolina Dance Alliance - "Memories of a Hometown"

We are so proud of Jillian!! She found out last week that a piece that she choreographed was selected to be performed in the Student Choreography Showcase at the annual North Carolina Dance Alliance Annual Event to be held in 2 weeks. She was asked by her director to consider submitting a piece of work back in August so she decided to take on the task. She created a modern piece to the song "Hometown Glory" by Adele, of which she actuall titled it "Memories of a Hometown". I have to share a part of her application description.

"In my student-choreographed piece “Memories of a Hometown” it is based on everything you build in your hometown. You meet new people, make friendships, and make memories in your hometown. In the dance at different times people unite and stand together as a group. My dance consists of 12 dancers that range from 10-16 years of age to give the idea of different ages coming together. We begin by walking through the town and weaving through obstacles of life. Then we stop to embrace what is going on around us. We begin to appreciate where we come from and who has come into our lives. We realize that the community that we grow up in shapes us into who we are today."

I am very proud of the young lady that she is developing into.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The windows are wide open. The air is crisp, cool and clean. What could be better? Well there are a few things that I can come up with that would make it slightly better.

Things that I miss from upstate NY are:
  • The the plentiful apple orchards
  • The winding vineyards
  • the pumpkin patches
  • the rolling vibrant, colorful hillsides
  • above all the apple cider donuts.
Things that I like about NC are:

  • Being able to plant pansies for the winter season to sit along side the mums.
  • The lack of the need of snow shovels
  • The use of rainboots instead of snow boots

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Clutter, Clutter, and More Clutter

Ugh!!! I can not believe how much clutter a family can have. That's it, I have had enough. I have begun the downsizing of my families possessions by tackling "my" closet first. I am definitely a pack rat, I have battled the first part of the disease of which I accuse my parents of having. I admit it!! I struggle with parting with things.

I can't wait until the neighborhood yard sale to remove these unneeded things from my home. Goodwill will be seeing a lot of me this week. How do us American's allow this to happen? I never would of thought that I would become so materialistic. I really didn't think we were in comparison to the "Jones's." (As in... "keeping up with the Jones's.")

How many white blouses can one person have? Ok, but yes, the 3 that were hanging in my closet have a stain somewhere on them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tag Your It!!!

It is a rainy day here in North Carolina. We are officially out of the drought. My husband can go back to his weekend hobby of washing the cars on the weekend. Yes, it is one of his things that he actually enjoys doing. Anyway, Here is a fun tag that Pam included me in. I hope those that I tag will choose to play along.

1. What were you doing ten years ago:

Back in 1998, we were living in Clifton Park, NY. I was working full-time at CompUSA as a Scheduling Coordinator of Computer classes. I was juggling daycare and school for Jared, then 3, and Jillian, then 6, along with Arianna, our niece, who was 7 at the time. She came to live with us for a few years while her mother was stationed with the Air Force in Italy. Jill and Arianna were both busy with dance and girl scouts of which I was an assistant leader for.

2. Five things on my to do list for today:

1. Work at the dance studio this morning.

2. Hopefully have lunch with my friend Deanna, who I feel like I haven't seen in ages. (She lives around the corner.)

3. Catch up on some laundry and other household chores.

4. Chauffeur my kids from school to dance, guitar lessons, and Railhawk practice.

5. Pay some bills after I dole out extra money for math tutor, Key Club dues and field trip.

3. What is your favorite snack?
I love to snack on tortilla chips and salsa/guacamole. To wash it down with either an UNSWEETENED Iced tea or a Margarita if it is after 5. (Yes, it is 5 o'clock some where, right!!!)Yummm!!

4. If I were a millionaire I would:

1. Pay off my mortgage along with the mortgages of a few family members as well.
2. Put enough money aside to completely pay for my kids college tuitions along with my nieces and nephews if they continue to show they deserve it.
3. Give some to my parents and in-laws to allow them to do a little more in their retirement years.
4. Travel, travel, travel!!
5. Establish scholarship funds in the fine arts for aspiring dancers/singers/actresses who were hardworking and dedicated to their craft.

5. Places I have lived:

1. Marion, NY
2. Hamburg, NY
3. Oswego, NY
4. Rochester, NY
5. Watervliet, NY
6. Clifton Park, NY
7. Highland, NY
8. Holly, Springs, NC

6. Five people I'm tagging:
Happy Wednesday!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

"The King and I"

We are very proud of JT. He just finished 3 days of auditions and was given the part of the "King" in the his schools musical "The King and I." He was very nervous over the past few days as he felt it was going to be between his friend Kerry and himself. He was more convinced that he was going to be given the part of the young boy because of his personal, small stature.

JT now has a lot of work to tackle but he says he is up for the challenge. We have asked him if he was willing to shave his head, his response was "negative."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Time management

Ok! I need to focus, focus, focus... Now that the kids are back in school, I actually have some time to get stuff done. However, I would prefer just sitting here and reading some nice light hearted blogs and surf the internet and live vicarously through others as they share their adventures.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mama Mia

Yesterday was a nice day, I actually got to spend time doing some things that I wanted to do. Unfortunately I did work for a while in the morning, at least it didn't consume my whole day as it has over the past week. After Jill's railhawk rehearsal, I tortured my family and dragged them along to Cary's Lazy Daze event. I could have spent all day and alot of money... There were many beautiful things that taunted me. Afterwards we went out for a family dinner, it felt like the first one in a long time, as well as, it was probably the last for quite awhile. My evening was topped off with a girls night out to finally catch Mama Mia in the theater. Jillian and I joined our friends Paula and Carley. After the movie we cranked the music and began dancing in the parking lot. (Carley was a little mortified, however she did join in). We kept the music loud all the way home. It was so nice to laugh and let loose, and I only had a small glass of wine to top it off. Definitely scheduling more of those days into my calendar.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Time for just over the horizon

This time of the year brings about change, more so than the "New Year." Kids getting ready to head back to school means so much in their social lives. New classes, new teachers, new friends and obstacles. It also is the same for us adults. I see it as... new schedules, new priorities and the dreaded thought of "what about me?" I saw this on Jen's site She always is a fun read. I have to admit I couldn't change a few of her responses.

I am...
struggling with turning 40 next year.
I think... that sometimes we go through the motions of life and really dont enjoy the little things.
I know...
I love my family.
I want... something deeper.
I have... a great huband.
I wish... for my children to have a long, healthy and happy life.
I hate...
inconsiderate and rude people.
I miss... dates with my husband.
I fear...
something happening to my husband or children.
I feel... happy, right now...I have an hour to just sit by myself.
I hear... CNN news on the TV in the other room.
I smell... Coffee with vanilla/caramel cream.
I search...who I am within the world around me.
I wonder... what I should do with my life.
I regret...losing contact with a few people that came in and out of my life.
I love... too much to list here.
I care...
about many things.
I never able to say no.
I am not...
a girly girl.
I believe... in religion, but not organized religion.
I dance... not enough,as I would embarrass my kids. I admit I live vicarously throught them.
I sing...
all the time in the car.
I don't always...
say "I love you" as much as I should.
I write...sporadically.
I win... when I hear a nice comment regarding my children.
I lose... every time I play the Lotto.
I never... seem to finish the crafts that I start.
I listen... to music when ever I am in the car.
I can usually be found... at work or at my childs dance rehearsal.
I'm scared of... losing someone close.
I read...
a paragraph of two before I fall asleep.
I am happy about... the prospect of this new time of year to set some goals for myself to improve who I am as a wife, mother and friend.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Girls trip to NYC

I just returned from a well needed, and well enjoyed girls weekend in NYC, to celebrate Jillian's "Sweet Sixteen." Yes, I feel old. It is Jillian's favorite city to visit, so where else could we have considered. We drove up on Thursday with Jillian's friends Carley & Samantha along with their mothers, Paula and Noreen, and with my niece Arianna. We crammed as much as we could into three days as possible. We began by meeting up with her dance teacher and some additional friends at the Broadway Dance Center to take classes on Friday morning. The first one was a jazz class with the dance captain from the Broadway Musical Hairspray. Can you say awesome!! They took a couple of other hip hop classes throughout the day.

In the evening we were off to see the show, Hairspray, and the girls began to dance in their seats right along with them. It was a great show. To top it off, they were invited back stage to meet Marissa, who played the lead. What a great opportunity to stand on the stage and look out into the audience.

Saturday morning began with another class, this one with a rockette. After class we hit the pavement and shopped and took the girls around the city. We hit Central Park, Ground Zero, Chinatown, Little Italy to name a few.

We finally landed at Ellen's Stardust Diner for dinner. For those that have never had the opportunity to visit the diner, it is a blast. The employees are actors and actresses waiting to land their first big roles on Broadway. They sing and dance in between serving your meals.
Jillian was seranaded by a young man for her birthday. He sang "Sandy" from Grease and fed her whipped cream:) It truly is a birthday she will never forget.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's been awhile...

I feel like it has been forever since I have posted everything. It has been a nice, yet busy summer. I don't even know where to begin. I guess from most recent activities on back. We have been home for a week and JT is back in school as of last Thursday. So far so good. Friday we celebrated his 13th birthday which actually was on July 19th. It was a fairly low key party which we held at our clubhouse and pool.

Our mini vacation took us to Washington DC, Hershey Park and then to Wellsville, NY to see Tom's family. I think my kids feel like they can say "they have been there, did that" in regards to DC. My husband and I felt more of an appreciation now that we are older. (I have completely different type of memories from my last trip there which was when I was a senior in high school... Oh my!!)

While in Hershey park we met up with my brother Shawn and his family. We had fun. It was a little bit of a challenge having 2 different age groups of children. We made it work. I was happy as a clam in the chocolate store.

Our final destination at the family homestead in Wellsville was relaxing. We squeezed in some golf, a little open mic night, a pool party, birthday cake, and a street fair that was part of the Balloon Festival. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate for all of the schedule lifts so they only wen't up a couple of times. This year I only was able to see from a distance or while they were only half inflated.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Me Time"

I am yearning for "me" time. I have been so consumed with everyone and everything else that I am wanting time to do all the things I enjoy doing. I am sitting here daydreaming of cooking a nice fanciful meal, tending to my flowers that look pitiful, sitting and beading or scrapbooking for hours without looking at a clock to hop into the truck to run an errand, work or run someone to practice. To all you other mom's out do you find the time to be you, or should I say figure out you?..

The temperature here in NC has finally dropped out of the 90's and 100's. It is so peaceful sitting out on the porch with a cup of coffee and watching the birds fluttering around and singing their graces. Once I relax, my mind turns back to the thought of work looming at 9:30.

I wish I were a hot air balloon!! Floating up above the craziness of the earth. Maybe in July when we head to NY I can hop aboard one again and float away. It literally takes your breath away. The pictures are from the Wellsville, NY Balloon Festival that I took last year.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Craziness-Beginning with Dance

Jillian and her BFF Carly

Modern Class

Company Legs - Motivational

True Colors

Well unfortunately I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks as it literally has been insane in the Ackerman household. Our visitors have all finally headed back to their respective homes. I don't really know how to recap all of which occurred. It looks as if it will be split into a few different blogs.

I will start with Dance Recitals. We survived 3 long afternoon/evenings of dress rehearsals and 6- 2 hour shows. Yes, that's correct 6 shows. There are over 800 students and Jillian is in the company so they performed in all.

We were so excited that Jared was able to dance. Two weeks prior a young man decided not to follow the directions in PE class and decided to tackle Jared in a game of flag football. Jared ended up fracturing his foot. Thankfully it was not a supporting bone and he was able to go into a boot. He did 1 dress rehearsal in the boot and the day after he was told he could dance by the orthopedist. Thankfully his doctor is the same doctor for the Carolina Ballet and he is familiar with the sport. Jared does ballet, tap and jazz which he has been doing since he was 5. (He will turn 13 in July.) He finally has realized how attractive that makes him with the girls.

The overall craziness of the recital weekend was well worth it when Jillian was awarded 1 of 2 full scholarships for the upcoming season. YaHoo!!!!!! We are so proud of her. She has worked very hard, and she finally had an opportunity to see that it pays off.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Work of Art

Jillian is on the left, along with her friends Kelcey and Shea.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Calm before the Storm

It is recital week!!! Wednesday begins 3 days of dress rehearsals and then between Saturday and Sunday there are 6 shows. However prior to that my parents fly in for a 2 week visit...Hmmm.. Now don't get me wrong I am appreciative that they want to come visit and see the kids dance but 2 weeks is a mighty long time. To add to it, my Aunt & Uncle, along with their 3 grandkids want to be apart of the action as well, so they will come in on Sunday for 1 week. Then, to top it off Shawn and his family will fly in for a few days,to add to the mix as well.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Writing Is On The Wall

I am so excited!!! I connected yesterday with a friend that I met when I was a counselor at a Girl Scout summer camp in Arkport, NY back in 1990. The majority of the staff was international. I was going through a bin of memory items that I have been hanging on to. I googled her name and she came up right away. (Her first name, Comfort, obviously is not too common). We all had nicknames and hers was "Southern" Comfort. Anyway, I took a chance and placed an email to the most recent address listed.

I firmly believe in the concept of "the writing is on the wall." For Mothers Day my family and I have sponsored a young girl who lives in Central African Republic to help with her needs for survival through our church. It just so happens that my friend Comfort is the deputy director in Africa for the International Centre for International Justice. I firmly believe that this was a sign that we made the right decision to help this young girl.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Father and Son

Jared get's his love of fishing from his Papa Jim.

(Back row in the middle)

How do you reassure a young man that he will eventually grow? My son so want's to be that "macho man." Well we have had to resort to x-rays and blood work to hopefully set his mind at ease. I wish his school had a wrestling team so he can get out some of his frustrations. (Any memories Tracy?) He turns 13 in July and weighs only 77 lbs. In his chorus concert in the fall he asked his teacher to allow him to stand on the top riser and she agreed, however she put the tallest boy in the class next to him. Jared came up to his belly button. Jared is well aware of the law of 8 or 80 lbs when it comes to carseats.

His mother's day gift to me was agreeing to get his hair cut. The aftermath was ugly as far as his emotional state goes. I think the haircut looks handsome but he did not agree. (The fishing pic was taken about 2 weeks prior.) I think the hair is the one thing that he feels that he can control as it makes him feel older and look more mature.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

An Eye Opening Read

I have just recently joined a book club and our first book that we began to dive into has been quite a doozy. For those that are spiritually minded, I definitely give this a thumbs up. Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren puts life in perspective, specifically if you feel something has been missing, and/or you have been waiting to take your life to the next level.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jillian's Dance Highlights

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2006
Pulse Tour in Altanta, GA. Jillian and her friend Katie had the wonderful opportunity to take classes with Chris Judd, Brian Friedman and Mia Michaels.

Jill with her favorite Tap Teacher, Michelle Dorrance, in NYC at TapCity. Jill was a recipient of the Gregory Hines Tap scholarship as well as accepted into the pre-professional program.
(Michelle is on the cover of this months Dance Magazine)

Go Railhawks!!! Jill is in the back row, 5th from the left. This is her second year on the Carolina Railhawks Professional Dance team.